Thursday, April 1, 2021

Writing Process

 Take a deep breath. Exhale with the purpose of the story in mind. I repeat this process multiple times while sitting in an empty classroom filled with the atmosphere of learning. In this state I am not to be bothered. The noise cancellation from my headphones allows my thoughts to float in thin air like dancing fireflies. I like to think of my writing process as being unique. My writing process differs depending on the emotions my mental story has provoked. I have a strategic process when it comes to writing. I enjoy the mystery of not knowing what I will think about. It's like playing the slot machines in a casino. Hoping for the jackpot even if it is small. The game continues for the controlled person until a level of winners satisfaction is present. I know my story is complete when I achieve this feeling of winners satisfaction or as I like to call it, writers satisfaction. Some short stories require more time than others, but this is okay. I do not rush the process in which my thoughts have an outlet. I create my best work in isolation as I can think clearly and fluidly. As my stories come to my neocortex in picture form I need focus to be able to analyze them accurately. This process occurs in steps. First the images present themselves as a premier feature film that I did not patron to see, then I seek isolation and write each scene and what I interpret it to mean. Lastly, I publish them here for others to be provoked in thinking. My stories are vague as they can fit with multiple plots of reality and fiction. I could simply tell my own interpretations and meaning behind my work but ultimately I enjoy for this to be left up to the reader to experience their own mental journey. If the reader reaches my interpretations of the story, this is great. If the reader takes a journey down a different path with my stories this is great as well. My philosophy behind this is not to simply tell someone what to think but rather give them the opportunity to think on their own. In our world we are constantly told what we should think and in creative writing this should not be the case.

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